b-things (IOT)
I helped bthings develop a branding document based on the initial work from the b-things team and created an updated brand identity. Additionally, I closely collaborated with the team to devise a digital marketing plan, encompassing a website and social media assets. Working with b-things has been a fantastic experience. The primary challenge we overcame was comprehending the technology and the IoT space, enabling us to effectively market the benefits to the appropriate audiences. Through our efforts, we now produce exceptional specialized content in a highly niche, high-value global B2B market.
From the outset, my primary focus was lead generation, while also establishing a solid and scalable marketing foundation that could support the company's rapid growth and adhere to excellent marketing practices.
The platform developed by b-things for the monetization of IoT applications represents a groundbreaking advancement for the industry. Working with b-things has been a landmark client engagement for me, and I am genuinely enthusiastic about the future prospects of our collaboration.
“Created a great global IOT website from scratch and supporting branding, great work.”
— Andy Press, CEO, b-things